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To save you the trubble of contacting us in order to ask a question below we have answered some of the more frequently asked questions with the answer to help you.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions you need answering as we are always happy to help wherever we can.


Q. How quickly can you carry out the work?
A. Usually any work we do will be started within one week of agreeing to the details & price of the written quote.



Q. How do you price your work?
A. All fencing work is invoiced bye the meter, as is clearance of your old fencing.
Landscaping & Garden work is invoiced either bye the hour or bye the day dependant on the size of the job.
Garden clearances are invoiced for the job in question.


Q. What is the life expectancy of a fence?
A. We only use pressure treated timber therefore you can expect 10 to 15 years with our close board fencing. Panel & posts have a much shorter life expectancy due to being cheaper product. 


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I’m an answer. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me. I’m a great place to answer the questions your visitors ask most. My text is rich, so you can change my color, font and add links inside the FAQ editor.

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